Note: All numerical statutes are in reference to S.C. Code of Laws, 1976, as amended
Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Election for the City of Orangeburg will be held on Tuesday, September 9, 2025. The purpose of this election will be to elect the Mayor and City Council Districts: District 1, District 3, and District 5 to serve a four (4) year term as required by law.
The filing period will begin on June 23, 2025, at 12:00 noon and close on July 14, 2025, at 12:00 noon. All candidates must file a Statement of Candidacy with the City Clerk of the City of Orangeburg during regular business hours located at 979 Middleton Street, Orangeburg, SC. The filing fee is $500.00 for Mayor and $150.00 for a City Council Seat. An indigent person may file without the fee if the Statement of Candidacy is accompanied by a notarized affidavit establishing indigent status. A candidate filing for a seat on City Council must be a registered voter residing in the district for which he or she files at the time of filing.
The Statement of Economic Interest Form must be filed online with the State Ethics Commission, pursuant to The Equal Access to the Ballot Act (effective July 3, 2013). A candidate is no longer required to file a paper copy of his/her Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) form with the City Clerk when the resident files to become a candidate in an election. A candidate must still file an SEI Form and Campaign Disclosure Form with the State Ethics Commission online (http://ethics.sc.gov).
Any person wishing to register to vote in this election must do so no later than August 9, 2025.
The polls shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the locations designated below. The Managers of Election shall see that each person offering to vote takes the oath that he/she is qualified to vote at this election according to the Constitution of this State and that he/she has not voted before in this election.
Voters who are blind, physically disabled or unable to read or write are entitled to assistance in casting his/her ballot. This assistance may be given by anyone the voter chooses except his/her employer, an agent of his/her employer or an officer or agent of his/her union. The Managers must be notified if assistance is needed.
Voters who are unable to enter their polling place due to physical handicap or are 65 years of age or older may vote in the vehicle in which they drove or were driven to the polls. When notified, the managers will help voters using the curbside voting provision.
Registered electors who cannot vote in person may be eligible to vote by absentee ballot. Persons wishing more information concerning absentee voting should contact the Orangeburg County Voter Registration and Elections Commission at (803) 533-6210.
At 10:00 a.m. on Election Day, the Orangeburg County Election Commission will begin its examination of the absentee ballot return envelopes at the Orangeburg County Voter Registration & Elections Office, 1475 Amelia Street, Orangeburg, SC 29115, and phone number (803)533-6210.
On Thursday, September 11, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., the Municipal Election Commission will hold a hearing to determine the validity of all provisional ballots cast in this election and canvass the votes and certify the election results. This hearing will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers located at 933 Middleton Street, Orangeburg, SC.
Precincts Polling Places (location)
Ward 1 Orangeburg Arts Center, 619 Riverside Dr., Orangeburg
Ward 2 Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce, 155 Riverside Dr.
Ward 3 Mellichamp Elementary School, 350 Murray Rd, Orangeburg
Ward 4 Smith-Hammond-Middleton Memorial Center, 200 Buckley St, Orangeburg
Ward 5 Zimmerman Youth Center, 759 Peasley St, Orangeburg
Ward 6 Youth Canteen, 1620 Middleton St, Orangeburg
Ward 9 Marshall Elementary School, 1441 Marshall Ave, Orangeburg
Ward 10 Sheridan Elementary School, 1139 Hillsboro Rd, Orangeburg
Suburban 8 Marshall Elementary School, 1441 Marshall Ave, Orangeburg
Suburban 9 Human Resource Center, 2570 St. Matthews Rd, Orangeburg