
Narcotics Unit

The Narcotics Unit is entrusted with the crucial task of preventing and suppressing narcotics-related activities, encompassing illegal usage, sale, possession, manufacturing, and trafficking of narcotics. Their enforcement efforts extend to combatting illegal sales, importation, and distribution of controlled substances and illegal narcotics. This dedicated unit also boasts a Forensic Chemist responsible for the comprehensive testing of all illegal narcotics and controlled substances.

Additionally, the Narcotics Unit investigates cases related to the illicit buying, selling, and possession of dangerous drugs or narcotics across different levels of distribution, including street-level, middle-tier, and upper-level networks. The unit collaborates closely with the local Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Task Force, actively participating in investigations of federal narcotics cases within the Orangeburg area. Furthermore, the unit maintains a strong partnership with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) to address narcotics cases associated with firearms.

Gang Unit

In response to the escalating issue of gang activity and its connections with drug sales and violent crimes, the Gang Unit was established in 2004. This unit has played a pivotal role in identifying the composition and characteristics of various gangs, utilizing this knowledge to educate other law enforcement officers and concerned parties. Our Gang Unit Investigators are available for community meetings, school presentations, and business sessions to provide valuable insights into gangs and promote gang awareness.

OCGIP - Orangeburg County Gang Intervention Project 2020

In November 2006, the Orangeburg Department of Public Safety (ODPS) and the Orangeburg County Sheriff's Department (OCSD) organized an informative gang forum in response to the observed effects of gang activity. The forum aimed to present valuable information to the community and its leaders, enabling them to gauge the extent of the gang-related issues in our area.

The impressive attendance at this forum led to the recognition of the growing criminal gang problem within our community. It was unanimously agreed that this issue needed to be addressed promptly, before it reached an unmanageable level. Subsequently, a core group of community members joined forces to establish the Orangeburg County Gang Intervention Project 2020 (OCGIP). This collaborative group comprises representatives from law enforcement, the school district, faith-based organizations, local businesses, universities, and other community supporters. The Orangeburg County Gang Intervention Project is dedicated to its mission and vision, which includes reducing gang activity and providing a safe and secure environment for our children.

Mission of OCGIP

The mission of the Orangeburg County Gang Intervention Project 2020 is to foster a secure community environment for the residents of Orangeburg County. We achieve this through education, intervention, and prevention activities designed to reduce and eliminate gang activities. Our approach emphasizes collaboration and building relationships with schools, institutions, social/civic organizations, businesses, communities, and faith-based organizations.

Vision of OCGIP

By 2020, OCGIP aspires to become the most effective program in demonstrating the reduction and prevention of gang activities among children, youth, and adolescents, not only in our state but across the nation. OCGIP aims to create a culture of civility that serves as the cornerstone for empowering children, families, and communities to maintain a secure, safe, and nurturing environment.

Contact Info

(803) 531-4654